Inevitably, I'm starting to hate how YELLOW is starting to sound.
YELLOW is way too choppy, has too much Beatmasher, uses the same dull effects over and over again and just doesn't sound like something I could actually listen to for 30 minutes without skipping tracks. My previous goal was to finish the album before the 18th of this month, to hopefully have the album out as gifts, but there's no way in HELL I'm forcing my friends to listen to these songs. Sure, some sound okay, but most of them need a facelift. My goal is to make it "smoother" and "manageable".
My main problems:
-Equalizer kills are choppy
-Too many equalizer kills
-Slow, but a little too slow.
Girlfriend From The 60's
-Way too clicky
-Main synth is not using the right compression ratio
-...Kinda dull after a while
-Equalizer kills in WRONG spots.
-FlangerFX is in RIGHT spots
Tricky Tricky (Lo-Fi Remix)
-It's the "Lo-Fi Remix" for a reason.
-Overall pretty damn good.
-Needs higher bass levels
Believe You Can Fly
- *inhales* TOO MUCH BEATMASHER!!!
-Not loud enough
-At 0:22, filter jumps volume
-Equalizer kills needs work
-Snare at 1:37 cuts volume increase (GRR)
-Should be one of my favorite songs on the album
-Snare Beatmash at 3:16 is disgusting
N1gh7m4r3 Y2K9
-Needs some eerie background atmosphere
-Diesel truck startup noise (high pitch at 2:30 to BE GONE!)
-Vocale to be louder
Red Carpet (Night Life Jazz Remix)
-Default bass drum needs to be more punchy
-Tighter compression ratio on string samples
Monday Is Laundry Day
-A tad bit less Beatmasher/better timed Beatmasher
-Good song, overall.
So yeah. Any suggestions? I'm doing a MAJOR overhaul.
In the meantime, more Bluepulse propagan...err I mean pics.